Week 5’s lecture on routing and transport was interesting but didn’t really leave a huge impact on me like the previous weeks. Probably because I still haven’t switched over from the current network model we use today to the mobility first one. For starters, the idea of being able to communicate with other devices without having an internet connection is incredibly absurd! I feel nothing but admiration towards the ones who developed and are still developing mobility first. They are trying to create a movement that will undoubtedly shake the whole world! During the presentation, however, there was one topic that actually got me a little bit interested.The whole idea of sensor networks and how they are used in real world scenarios. The example used in the presentation was volcanoes. As soon as a volcano is ready to erupt, the sensors, or nodes, detect the vibrations caused by the seismic event and send them to the main device, or base station, which is being monitored by scientists to record the data being received. The problem with these nodes is that they have to run on battery, since there are various factors that prohibit people from changing them such as the amount of danger, cost, time consumption and the distance, so the network may get partitioned when a lot of the sensors run out of battery. Using these sensor networks, scientists are able to figure out when a volcano may erupt before it actually does, which, to me, is just plain awesome!